Today was a big day, there was a large sucking sound coming from our bank as the money wired its way to the broker in Annapolis. No turning back, we jumped, we committed, we did it. There is a mix of excitement, tension and action as we sign the acceptance, arrange insurance, make sure we did actually pay the deposit for our new slip in Kingston’s Confederation Basin. Mike Preveti did a great job on the survey and dealing with the details and together with Bob Perry’s advice we are happy we have a good boat. The next step is to find out what we will call Kinship when she gets her Canadian registration. Attention then turns to getting as much as possible done before we have to launch both our boats in the spring. We are going to be busy.
Month: December 2014
Survey and Sea Trial
This step in the acquisition process involved a whole team of professionals going over the boat with a fine tooth comb. A Surveyor is the marine equivalent of your home inspector. He looks over all things structural, all the systems, the rigging, the equipment etc, making sure everything works and documenting anything that doesn’t , so we know exactly what we are getting. Nothing goes un-checked, from the bottom of the keel
to the top of the mast
and everything in between. Sails and rigging
systems and safety equipment
and right down under the sole.
Finally, we set out on the Chesapeake for our first sail on Kinship. Matthew takes a turn at the wheel
So far so good. Full report to follow….