At a Crossroads

For cruisers in the Caribbean, March is a time for decisions, the hurricane season starts in June and you need time to get out of the way.  Some head south to Grenada, some head east for Europe and some, like us will be heading north back to Canada and the US.

When we decided to try cruising we came up with the idea of a “one year plan”, a way we could have an adventure and see if this is something we want to do for the long term. This March we face the crossroads, do we switch to a long term plan or head home? 

We have decided to head home.  We have enjoyed this adventure, but we are not going to be cruising full-time.  We have found we need a land base and, at moment, we need to be able to deal with life’s curve-balls without the complication of living on the boat.

There are a lot of factors that contributed to this decision; living 7/24 with one person in a small space is not ideal.  Seasickness takes the enjoyment out of the passages.  A close friend with a life limiting diagnosis.  A list, for sure, but more than this, we need space and more variety in our lives than we can get on the boat.

Our plan is to sail back to the Chesapeake by early May and cruise there while we look for a buyer for Kinship.  In the meantime, Kathleen is flying home for a couple of weeks to be with our sick friend and I will be sailing the boat solo back to St Martin from Guadeloupe.

It is sad to be giving up a dream, but we are happy that we had the dream for a year and that we took the chance.  We will treasure the memories with have made.

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6 thoughts on “At a Crossroads

  1. Dear Mathew and Kathleen
    Just read your latest crossroads post and i can say i understand how difficult this must be for each of you. Joan and I are celebrating her major birthday with friends this weekend including a Gatineau hike.
    Our spring and early summer plans are not completely fixed just yet apart from Niagara biking in early May.
    I might be free to crew for part of your move North assuming the need at your end. Hope things manage alright for you.
    Take care.

  2. Hi Mathew and Kathleen,
    I have enjoyed following the voyages of another Saga owner. You have had a wonderful adventure. Best of luck with your return voyage and sale of Kinship. We have yet to cast off our lines.

  3. Matthew, I’ve really enjoyed following along with your adventures, and learned a thing or six about sailboats in the process! The very best to you as you make your way back, keep in touch!

  4. Wow, what an adventure! Can’t wait to see you guys again.
    Good luck selling the boat, and have a safe trip home.

  5. I must admit that I am selfishly happy you are coming home and can hardly wait to hear more about your adventures in person however many have dreams they die with so I greatly admire you lived yours so well xo Bendy

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